COVID Response Protocol
Vaccination is the best way to reduce Covid-19 risk. You may visit the Covid-19 Vaccination Finder Page or call: 877-829- 4692 to find a location near you. Being up-to-date with Covid-19 vaccinations includes boosters for those who are eligible and additional primary shots for some immunocompromised people.
Students should stay home if they show any symptoms of Covid-19 or other illnesses and get tested for Covid-19.
Positive Covid-19 Case
All students who test positive for Covid-19 should stay home for at least 5 days. They must wear a mask for 10 days after symptoms began (or 10 days after positive test results, with no symptoms)
Covid-19 Symptoms/Exposure
Students with symptoms of Covid-19 should get tested and, if test positive, should follow protocol (see above). Students who are exposed to someone who has Covid-19 wear a mask for 10 days after exposure. Please review the NYC guidance on Covid-19.
Students, especially those with a medical condition that puts them at risk for severe COVID-19, or if they are around others who are at increased risk for COVID-19, should consider wearing masks.
Please review NYC DOE Health Guidance and Resources for Families for additional information.